OpenPeppol eDEC Code Lists
The code lists presented here, are referenced by the Peppol Policy for use of Identifiers and are mandatory in the Peppol Network.
The latest code list release is
v9.1 from
See the
Change Log for details.
Old versions are available in the
The XML Schema for the XML representation is available for download as well:
Usage notes
It is important to note that these are dynamic lists.
Over time new services will be added.
Developers should take this into account when designing and implementing solutions for Peppol services.
Participant identifier schemes
Rows with a state of "deprecated" should not be used for newly issued documents, as the respective identifier issuing agency is no longer active/valid.
Deprecated scheme IDs may however not be reused for different agencies as existing exchanged documents may refer to them.
Rows that have a "Removal date" set cannot be used in the Peppol network at all after that date
Document types
Rows with a state of "deprecated" should not be used for newly issued documents.
Rows that have a "Removal date" set cannot be used in the Peppol network at all after that date
Rows with a state of "deprecated" should not be used for newly issued documents.
Rows that have a "Removal date" set cannot be used in the Peppol network at all after that date
Transport profiles
Rows with a state of "deprecated" should not be used for newly issued documents.
Rows that have a "Removal date" set cannot be used in the Peppol network at all after that date