
Child elements

Card. Term Name
1..1 cbc:CustomizationID Specification identifier
An identification of the specification containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.
1..1 cbc:ProfileID Business process type
Identifies the business process context in which the transaction appears, to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice in an appropriate way.
1..1 cbc:ID Invoice number
A unique identification of the Invoice.
1..1 cbc:IssueDate Invoice issue date
The date when the Invoice was issued.
0..0 cbc:IssueTime Invoice issue time
The time of day when an invoice was issued
0..1 cbc:TaxPointDate TAX point date
The date when the TAX becomes accountable for the Seller and for the Buyer in so far as that date can be determined and differs from the date of issue of the invoice, according to the TAX directive.
1..1 cbc:CreditNoteTypeCode Invoice type code
A code specifying the functional type of the Invoice.
0..1 cbc:Note Invoice note
A textual note that gives unstructured information that is relevant to the Invoice as a whole.
1..1 cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode Invoice currency code
The currency in which all Invoice amounts are given, except for the Total TAX amount in accounting currency.
0..1 cbc:TaxCurrencyCode Tax accounting currency
The currency used for TAX accounting and reporting purposes as accepted or required in the country of the Seller.
0..1 cbc:AccountingCost Buyer accounting reference
A textual value that specifies where to book the relevant data into the Buyer’s financial accounts.
0..1 cbc:BuyerReference Buyer reference
An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.
0..1 cac:InvoicePeriod INVOICING PERIOD
A group of business terms providing information on the invoice period.
0..1 cac:OrderReference Order and sales order reference
A group of business terms providing information on one or more preceding Invoices.
0..1 cac:DespatchDocumentReference Despatch advice reference
0..1 cac:ReceiptDocumentReference Receipt advice reference
0..1 cac:ContractDocumentReference Contract reference
0..1 cac:AdditionalDocumentReference
[cbc:DocumentTypeCode = 130]
Additional document reference class
A syntax required class in which the invoice object identifier is nested.
0..1 cac:AdditionalDocumentReference
[cbc:DocumentTypeCode = 50]
Additional document reference class
A syntax required class in which the project reference is nested.
0..n cac:AdditionalDocumentReference
[cbc:DocumentTypeCode != 130 or 50]
A group of business terms providing information about additional supporting documents substantiating the claims made in the Invoice.
0..1 cac:OriginatorDocumentReference Tender or Lot reference
1..1 cac:AccountingSupplierParty SELLER
A group of business terms providing information about the Seller.
1..1 cac:AccountingCustomerParty BUYER
A group of business terms providing information about the Buyer.
0..1 cac:PayeeParty Payee
A group of business terms providing information about the Payee, i.e. the role that receives the payment.
0..1 cac:TaxRepresentativeParty SELLER TAX REPRESENTATIVE PARTY
A group of business terms providing information about the Seller’s tax representative.
A group of business terms providing information about where and when the goods and services invoiced are delivered.
0..n cac:PaymentMeans PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS
A group of business terms providing information about the payment.
0..1 cac:PaymentTerms INVOICE TERMS
Information about the terms that apply to the settlement of the invoice amount.
0..n cac:AllowanceCharge
[cbc:ChargeIndicator = false]
A group of business terms providing information about allowances applicable to the Invoice as a whole.
0..n cac:AllowanceCharge
[cbc:ChargeIndicator = true]
A group of business terms providing information about charges and taxes other than TAX, applicable to the Invoice as a whole.
1..1 cac:TaxTotal
[cac:TaxTotal/TaxAmount/@currency = cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode]
Tax total
0..1 cac:TaxTotal
[cac:TaxTotal/TaxAmount/@currency = cbc:TaxCurrencyCode]
A group of business terms providing the monetary totals for the Invoice in the tax accounting currency.
1..1 cac:LegalMonetaryTotal DOCUMENT TOTALS
A group of business terms providing the monetary totals for the Invoice.
1..n cac:CreditNoteLine INVOICE LINE
A group of business terms providing information on individual Invoice lines.