Amount due for payment
The outstanding amount that is requested to be paid.
- ID
- Cardinality
- Section
- Shared
- Name
- Amount due for payment
- Syntax binding
- Rules
- IBR-015: [ibr-015]-An Invoice MUST have the Amount due for payment (ibt-115).
- IBR-091: [ibr-091]-Invoice amount due for payment (ibt-115) MUST have no more than 2 decimals.
- IBR-CO-16: [ibr-co-16]-Amount due for payment (ibt-115) = Invoice total amount with Tax (ibt-112) - Paid amount (ibt-113) + Rounding amount (ibt-114).
- IBR-CL-03: [ibr-cl-03]-currencyID MUST be coded using ISO code list 4217 alpha-3.
- IBR-126: [ibr-126]- All currencyID attributes must have the same value as the Invoice currency code (ibt-005), except for amounts expected to be in Tax accounting currency (ibt-006).