
[ibr-030]-If both Invoice line period start date (ibt-134) and Invoice line period end date (ibt-135) are given then the Invoice line period end date (ibt-135) MUST be later or equal to the Invoice line period start date (ibt-134).

Targeted Semantic Element

  1. IBT-135-Invoice line period end date : The date when the Invoice period for this Invoice line ends.

Related Semantic Elements

  1. IBT-134: Invoice line period start date

Schematron Rules

  1. IBR-030
  2. Flag
    cac:InvoiceLine/cac:InvoicePeriod | cac:CreditNoteLine/cac:InvoicePeriod
    [ibr-030]-If both Invoice line period start date (ibt-134) and Invoice line period end date (ibt-135) are given then the Invoice line period end date (ibt-135) MUST be later or equal to the Invoice line period start date (ibt-134).