<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID"
<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode"
<cbc:Name>For works contracts: performance of works of the specified type</cbc:Name>
<cbc:Description>For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed the following works of the specified type. Contracting authorities may require up to five years and allow experience dating from more than five years.</cbc:Description>
<ccv-cbc:Title>DIRECTIVE 2014/24/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</ccv-cbc:Title>
<cbc:Description>On public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC</cbc:Description>
<ccv-cbc:JurisdictionLevelCode listID="CriterionJurisdictionLevel"
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '96f00020-0a25-402e-b850-2378e83b5695'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '96f00020-0a25-402e-b850-2378e83b5695'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '96f00020-0a25-402e-b850-2378e83b5695'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '96f00020-0a25-402e-b850-2378e83b5695'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '96f00020-0a25-402e-b850-2378e83b5695'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '9026e403-3eb6-4705-a9e9-e21a1efc867d'. -->
- Message
Element 'Description' MUST have value "For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed the following works of the specified type. Contracting authorities may require up to five years and allow experience dating from more than five years.".
- Context
ccv:Criterion[cbc:ID[text() = 'cdd3bb3e-34a5-43d5-b668-2aab86a73822']]
- Test
normalize-space(cbc:Description) = 'For public works contracts only: During the reference period, the economic operator has performed the following works of the specified type. Contracting authorities may require up to five years and allow experience dating from more than five years.'
- Description
element with id 'cdd3bb3e-34a5-43d5-b668-2aab86a73822'