<cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID"
<cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode"
<cbc:Name>It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:</cbc:Name>
<cbc:Description>If some of these certificates or forms of documentary evidence are available electronically, please indicate for each:</cbc:Description>
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '3e5c2859-68a7-4312-92e4-01ae79c00cb8'. -->
<!-- RequirementGroup with identifier 'ab335516-73a4-41f7-977b-a98c13a51060'. -->
- Message
Element 'Name' MUST have value "It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:".
- Context
ccv:Criterion[cbc:ID[text() = '9c70375e-1264-407e-8b50-b9736bc08901']]
- Test
normalize-space(cbc:Name) = 'It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:'
- Description
element with id '9c70375e-1264-407e-8b50-b9736bc08901'