
Element 'Name' MUST have value "It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:".

ccv:Criterion[cbc:ID[text() = '9c70375e-1264-407e-8b50-b9736bc08901']]
normalize-space(cbc:Name) = 'It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:'
Expected Criterion element with id '9c70375e-1264-407e-8b50-b9736bc08901'
   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriteriaID"
   <cbc:TypeCode listID="CriteriaTypeCode"
   <cbc:Name>It meets the objective and non discriminatory criteria or rules to be applied in order to limit the number of candidates in the following way: In case certain certificates or other forms of documentary evidence are required, please indicate for each whether the economic operator has the required documents:</cbc:Name>
   <cbc:Description>If some of these certificates or forms of documentary evidence are available electronically, please indicate for each:</cbc:Description>
   <!-- RequirementGroup with identifier '3e5c2859-68a7-4312-92e4-01ae79c00cb8'. -->
   <!-- RequirementGroup with identifier 'ab335516-73a4-41f7-977b-a98c13a51060'. -->