
Description MUST be "e) Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?".

ccv:Requirement[cbc:ID[text() = '0e71abd3-198e-49c5-8128-5708617bb191']]
normalize-space(cbc:Description) = 'e) Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?'
Expected Requirement element with id '0e71abd3-198e-49c5-8128-5708617bb191'
<ccv:Requirement responseDataType="INDICATOR">
   <cbc:ID schemeID="CriterionRelatedIDs"
   <cbc:Description>e) Will the economic operator be able to provide a certificate with regard to the payment of social security contributions and taxes or provide information enabling the contracting authority or contracting entity to obtaining it directly by accessing a national database in any Member State that is available free of charge?</cbc:Description>