<espd-cbc:NaturalPersonRoleDescription>Daglig leder</espd-cbc:NaturalPersonRoleDescription>
<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listName="CountryCodeIdentifier" listVersionID="1.0.2">NO</cbc:IdentificationCode>
<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="NO:ORGNR">987654325</cbc:EndpointID>
<cbc:ID schemeID="National_Number">987654325</cbc:ID>
<cbc:StreetName>Hovedgaten 32</cbc:StreetName>
<cbc:IdentificationCode listID="CountryCodeIdentifier" listAgencyID="EU-COM-GROW" listName="CountryCodeIdentifier" listVersionID="1.0.2">NO</cbc:IdentificationCode>
Any natural or legal person or public entity or group of such persons and/or entities, including any temporary association of undertakings, which offers the execution of works and/or a work, the supply of products or the provision of services on the market. Information about the party submitting the qualification. A placeholder for the data related to only one Economic Operator (EO) that tenders solely to a procurement project, to one of the EOs that tender as part of a group (e.g. a Consortium), or to one possible sub-contractor of the EO. Consortia grouping more than one EO need to draft and submit as many ESPDResponses as Economic Operators and sub-contractors participate in the tender.
- Namespace
urn:grow:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:ESPD-CommonAggregateComponents-1- Child elements
Card Name Description 0..1 espd-cbc:SMEIndicator SME indicator
Indicates whether the economic operator can be categorized as an SME (true) or not.According to the EC, SME are enterprises with less than 250 employees, a turnover less than EUR 50 m and a balance sheet total less than EUR 43 m.Example value:
0..n espd-cac:RepresentativeNaturalPerson Representative Natural person
Information about individuals who in one way or the other represent the economic operator.1..1 cac:Party Party
- Rules
Identifier/Error message Flag PEPPOLBIS-ESPD-RES-B03801
Element 'cac:Party' MUST be provided.fatal PEPPOLBIS-ESPD-RES-B03802
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.fatal - Description
The economic operator must be identified in a ESPD Response, hence information about the party is required, such as party name, identification, endpoint id, and country.
Information on representative is not mandatory.
Example of economic operator