Detailed information of an item, price and its composition in a pre-award catalogue.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:ID

Pre award catalogue line identifier
Each line must have an identifier that is unique within the document to make it possible to reference the line. For example, from other documents.

Example value: 1

0..1 cbc:ContractSubdivision

Contract subdivision
A relevant subdivision of the contract a catalogue refers to.

Example value: Part 2

1..1 cbc:OrderableIndicator

Catalogue line orderable indicator
Indicates whether the catalogue line can be ordered. Allowed values are ´true´ or ´false

Example value: true

0..1 cbc:OrderableUnit

Orderable unit
The unit in which the item described in this catalogue line can be ordered. Mandatory if the item is orderable

Example value: MLT

0..1 cbc:ContentUnitQuantity

Item net quantity
The net quantity of the item that is contained in each consumable unit, excluding any packaging materials.

0..1 cbc:OrderQuantityIncrementNumeric

Order quantity increment
Possible limitation to the number of articles that can be ordered. If the Quantity increment is 6 the article must be ordered in a quantity of 6, 12, 18 etc.

Example value: 5

0..1 cbc:MinimumOrderQuantity

Minimum order quantity
The smallest number of items that can be ordered.

Default value: 1

0..1 cbc:MaximumOrderQuantity

Maximum order quantity
The largest number of items that can be ordered.

Example value: 1000

0..1 cbc:WarrantyInformation

Catalogue line warranty information
Warranty information that applies to the catalogue line item.

0..1 cbc:PackLevelCode

Handling unit packaging level, used to indicate different pack levels and their relation
The packaging level of the orderable unit.

Example value: TU

0..1 cac:LineValidityPeriod

Line validity period

0..n cac:ItemComparison +

Item comparison
Used for comparing prices for different articles with various quantities. E.g. Price of each liter.

0..n cac:ComponentRelatedItem +

Component related item
Component related items are products that are connected in a product line or a logistics structure, e.g. consumer units and trading units of the same article.

0..n cac:RequiredRelatedItem

Required related item
Required related items are products that are bundled and ordered/invoiced together, e.g. bottles and desposits.

0..n cac:ComplementaryRelatedItem +

Complementary related item
Complementary related item is used for items that might be sold together with a product, e.g. disk station to a laptop.

0..n cac:ReplacedRelatedItem

Replacement product
Replacement product is used to identify a product replacing an existing product in the Catalogue.

0..n cac:RequiredItemLocationQuantity

Item Location Quantity
Properties of the item in this catalogue line that are dependent on location and quantity.

1..1 cac:Item +

Pre award catalogue item details

0..1 cac:CallForTendersLineReference

Call for Tenders line reference
Reference to a Line on a Call For Tenders document.

Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cbc:ID' MUST be provided.
Element 'cbc:OrderableIndicator' MUST be provided.
Element 'cac:Item' MUST be provided.
Document MUST NOT contain elements not part of the data model.
Example of a catalogue line
        <cbc:ContentUnitQuantity unitCode="LTR" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">1</cbc:ContentUnitQuantity>
        <cbc:MinimumOrderQuantity unitCode="LTR" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">100</cbc:MinimumOrderQuantity>
        <cbc:MaximumOrderQuantity unitCode="LTR" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">1000</cbc:MaximumOrderQuantity>
        <cbc:PackLevelCode listID="GS17009:PEPPOL">HN</cbc:PackLevelCode>
                <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">1.5</cbc:PriceAmount>
                <cbc:Quantity unitCode="LTR" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">1</cbc:Quantity>
                <cbc:Quantity unitCode="EA" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">12</cbc:Quantity>
                <cbc:Quantity unitCode="EA" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">1</cbc:Quantity>
                <cbc:Quantity unitCode="EA" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">1</cbc:Quantity>
                        <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">1.5</cbc:PriceAmount>

                                <cbc:IdentificationCode listID="ISO3166-1:Alpha2">GB</cbc:IdentificationCode>
                        <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">1.7</cbc:PriceAmount>
                <cbc:Description>Milk standard 3%</cbc:Description>
                <cbc:PackQuantity unitCode="LTR" unitCodeListID="UNECERec20">10</cbc:PackQuantity>
                <cbc:Name>Milk standard 3%</cbc:Name>
                <cbc:BrandName>Branded Milk</cbc:BrandName>
                        <cbc:ID schemeID="GTIN">99023409093843</cbc:ID>
                                <cbc:EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject mimeCode="application/pdf">
                        <cbc:DocumentDescription>Product image</cbc:DocumentDescription>
                        <cbc:IdentificationCode listID="ISO3166-1:Alpha2">FR</cbc:IdentificationCode>
                        <cbc:ItemClassificationCode listID="CPV">783xxxxxxxx</cbc:ItemClassificationCode>
                        <cbc:Name>Fat % for milk</cbc:Name>