Card Name Description
1..1 ubl:OrderResponse  
1..1 •   cbc:CustomizationID

Specification identification
Identifies the specification of content and rules that apply to the transaction.

Example value:

1..1 •   cbc:ProfileID

Business process type identifier
Identifies the BII profile or business process context in which the transaction appears.

Fixed value:

1..1 •   cbc:ID

Order response identifier
A transaction instance must have an identifier. The identifier enables referencing the transaction for various purposes such as from other transactions that are part of the same process.

Example value: or0987

0..1 •   cbc:SalesOrderID

Sales order reference
An identifier of a referenced sales order, issued by the Seller.

Example value: 112233

1..1 •   cbc:IssueDate

Order response issue date
The date on which the transaction instance was issued.

Example value: 2018-05-15

0..1 •   cbc:IssueTime

Order response issue time
The time on which the transaction instance was issued

Example value: 09:23:56

1..1 •   cbc:OrderResponseCode

Response code
A code that indicates whether the referenced order has been received and not yet processed, or is Accepted or Rejected as whole, alternatively, Accepted with change or already delivered. If response code is Accept or Reject there may not be any response lines.

Example value: AP

0..1 •   cbc:Note

Response clarification
Clarification of the suppliers decision.

1..1 •   cbc:DocumentCurrencyCode

Document currency
The default currency for the offer.

Example value: EUR

0..1 •   cbc:CustomerReference

Buyer reference identifier
An identifier assigned by the Buyer used for internal routing purposes.The identifier is defined by the buyer (contact ID, department, office id, project code), but provided by the seller in the order response.

Example value: abc123

1..1 •   cac:OrderReference

Order reference

1..1 •   •   cbc:ID

Order document reference
Used to reference the order that is being responded to.

Example value: o-23424

1..1 •   cac:SellerSupplierParty

Seller information

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Description of seller

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Seller party electronic address
Identifies the seller party's electronic address

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for the electronic address

Example value: 0088

0..n •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Seller identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Seller party identification
Identifies a party.

Example value: DK88777654

o •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0184

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Name of seller

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Seller party name
The name of the party.

Example value: Seller Inc.

1..1 •   cac:BuyerCustomerParty

Buyer information

1..1 •   •   cac:Party

Description of buyer

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndpointID

Buyer party electronic address
Identifies the buyer party's electronic address

Example value: 7300010000001

M •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for the electronic address

Example value: 0088

0..n •   •   •   cac:PartyIdentification

Buyer identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Buyer party identification
An identification for the buyer party.

Example value: DK88777654

o •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Scheme identifier
Scheme identifier for party identification

Example value: 0184

0..1 •   •   •   cac:PartyLegalEntity

Party name

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:RegistrationName

Buyer party name
The name of the party who ordered the items and receives the response.

Example value: Buyer name

0..1 •   cac:Delivery

Delivery information

1..1 •   •   cac:PromisedDeliveryPeriod

Promised delivery period

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The date on which the period starts. The start dates counts as part of the period.

Example value: 2018-06-01

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The time at which this period begins. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 12:30:00

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The date on which the period ends. The end date counts as part of the period.

Example value: 2018-06-30

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The time at which this period end. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 18:00:00

0..n •   cac:OrderLine

Specification of order lines

1..1 •   •   cac:LineItem

Description of line item

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Document line identifier
Identifies the response line. Each order response line MUST be unique within the order response.

Example value: 3

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Note

Response clarification
Clarifacation of the suppliers decision for the line.

Example value: Please note our offices are closed in July, all orders received will be processed in August

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:LineStatusCode

Response code
A code that indicates whether the referenced order line as whole is Accepted or Rejected or, alternatively, Accepted with change.

Example value: 3

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:Quantity

The quantity of items that will be delivered.

Example value: 10

M •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Ordered quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the ordered quantity.

Example value: C62

0..1 •   •   •   cbc:MaximumBackorderQuantity

Maximum backorder quantity
The quantity of items that will be delivered at a later time. A unit for the backordered quantity is the same as for the Quantity. If none of the remaining quantity for the response line is to be delivered, use 0 "zero".

Example value: 3

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Delivery

Delivery information

1..1 •   •   •   •   cac:PromisedDeliveryPeriod

Delivery period

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartDate

Period start date
The date on which the period starts. The start dates counts as part of the period.

Example value: 2018-05-28

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:StartTime

Period start time
The time at which this period begins. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 12:30:00

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndDate

Period end date
The date on which the period ends. The end date counts as part of the period.

Example value: 2018-05-29

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:EndTime

Period end time
The time at which this period end. Format = "hh:mm:ss"

Example value: 18:00:00

0..1 •   •   •   cac:Price

Price information

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:PriceAmount

Item price
The net price of an item including discounts or surcharges that apply to the price.Although price is an optional element in an offer it recommended as best practice to either state the price or provide reference to an appropriate source from which the price can be identified such as a contract, catalogue or a quote.. The price amount. The net price of the item including all allowances, charges and taxes but exluding TAX.

Example value: 1000.00

M •   •   •   •   •   @currencyID

Currency identifier, must have the same value as element "Document currency".

Example value: EUR

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:BaseQuantity

Item price base quantity
The actual quantity to which the price applies.

Example value: 2

M •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Base quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the base quantity.

Example value: C62

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Item

Item information

1..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item name
A short name given to an item, such as a name from a Catalogue, as distinct from a description. A short name for the item.

Example value: Copy paper, 500 sheets

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:BuyersItemIdentification

Buyer item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Buyers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the buyer, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the buyer's system.

Example value: 111111

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

The Sellers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the seller, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the seller's system.

Example value: 3249834

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Item standard identifier
An item identifier based on a registered scheme. Associates the item with its identification according to a standard system.

Example value: 05704066204093

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Item standard identifier identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item standard identifier

Example value: 0160

0..1 •   •   cac:SellerSubstitutedLineItem

Substituted line item by the seller

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:ID

Substituted Line Item Identifier
Identifier of the substituted line item

Example value: 3

1..1 •   •   •   cac:Item

Item information

0..1 •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item name
A short name optionally given to an item, such as a name from a Catalogue, as distinct from a description. A short name for the item.

Example value: Copy paper, 1000 sheets

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:SellersItemIdentification

Sellers item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Sellers item identifier
An identifier, assigned by the seller, for the item. Associates the item with its identification according to the seller's system.

Example value: 3249834

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:StandardItemIdentification

Standard item identification

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Item standard identifier
An item identifier based on a registered scheme. Associates the item with its identification according to a standard system.

Example value: 87463294723134124

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @schemeID

Item standard identifier identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item standard identifier

Example value: 0160

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:CommodityClassification

Commodity classification information

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ItemClassificationCode

Item classification code
A code for classifying the item by its type or nature. Classification codes are used to allow grouping of similar items for a various purposes e.g. public procurement (CPV), e-Commerce (UNSPSC) etc.

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Item classification identifier identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme identifier of the Item classification identifier

Example value: MP

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @listVersionID

Item classification identifier version identification scheme identifier
The identification scheme version identifier of the Item classification identifier

Example value: 20.0601

O •   •   •   •   •   •   @name

Clear text name equivalent of classification code
The textual equivalent of the code value

Example value: Office furniture

0..1 •   •   •   •   cac:ClassifiedTaxCategory

Line TAX information

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Item TAX category code
The TAX category code for the item.

Example value: S

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Percent

Line TAX rate
The TAX percentage rate that applies to the line amount.

Example value: 25

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cac:TaxScheme

Tax scheme information

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ID

Tax scheme. E.g. “VAT” or “GST”

Example value: VAT or GST

0..n •   •   •   •   cac:AdditionalItemProperty

Additional item property information
A group of business terms providing information about properties of the goods and services invoiced.

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Name

Item property name
The name of the property.The name must be sufficiently descriptive to define the value. The definition may be supplemented with the property unit of measure when relevant.

Example value: Color

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:NameCode

Item property code
Code for the item property according to a property code system.

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @listID

Name code list id.
An identifier for the code list used for the Name code, this is bilaterally agreed

1..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:Value

Item property value
The value of the item property.

Example value: Red

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ValueQuantity

Item property unit of measure
The unit of measure in which the property value is stated, if relevant. May not be relevant when properties are descriptive.

Example value: 2

M •   •   •   •   •   •   @unitCode

Value quantity unit of measure
The unit of measure that applies to the value quantity.

Example value: NAR

0..1 •   •   •   •   •   cbc:ValueQualifier

Property classification
Standardized and predefined classification of items properties.

1..1 •   •   cac:OrderLineReference

Reference to order line

1..1 •   •   •   cbc:LineID

Order line reference
Used to reference the initial order line that correspondes to the response.All order lines should be stated when an order is changed.

Example value: 34