The Peppol Business Interoperability Specification, “BIS” from here on after, has been developed by the OpenPeppol AISBL Post Award Community and is published as part of the Peppol specifications.
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1. Introduction to OpenPeppol and BIS
This BIS is a result of work within OpenPeppol and is published as part of the Peppol specifications.
This Peppol BIS provides a set of specifications for implementing a Peppol business process. The document is concerned with clarifying requirements for ensuring interoperability of pan-European Public eProcurement and provides guidelines for supporting these requirements and how to implement them. This Peppol BIS is developed by OpenPeppol as a new business process.
The purpose of this document is to describe a common format for the invoice response message in the European market, and to facilitate an efficient implementation and increased use of electronic collaboration regarding invoice responses based on this format.
1.1. Audience
The audience for this document is organizations wishing to be Peppol enabled for exchanging electronic business documents, and/or their ICT-suppliers.
These organizations may be:
Service providers
Contracting Authorities
Economic Operators
Software Developers
More specifically it is addressed towards the following roles:
ICT Architects
ICT Developers
Business Experts
For further information, please see Peppol BIS common text and introduction.
2. Principles and prerequisites
This chapter describes the principles and assumptions that underlie the use of the Peppol Invoice Response. The term Invoice in this specification is used for both an invoice and a credit note unless otherwise stated in the text or clear from the context.
An Invoice Response can be used in the process of the exchange of invoices and credit notes until the parties have agreed on its settlement as paid or cancelled. It provides the Seller, as the issuer of the invoice or credit note, with information about the status of his invoice or credit note and provides the Buyer, as receiver of the invoice or credit note, with efficient means for keeping the Seller informed.
2.1. Invoice Response message in general
From the creation of an electronic message, down the transport line that goes through one or more transport networks, to the designated receiver and all way through the eventual processing of the message content; there may be a need to give responses to the relevant parties up-line about the status or results of the actions that the message goes through. These responses are of different nature but in the scope of this document they can be divided into the following main groups.

2.1.1. Transport acknowledgements
These are messages that are exchanged within the transport network(s) to inform about the process of carrying a message down the transport line. These responses may inform someone up-line whether the delivery to a given point was successful or not and may contain details about issues that are relevant such as why a delivery was not successful. The key nature of these responses is that they do not in any way act on the result of validation or processing of the content of the payload that is being transported. These response messages are commonly called “acks” (short for acknowledgements) and in Peppol they are part of the transport protocol of the Peppol network (Peppol eDelivery Network Specifications) (e.g. as MDN – Message Disposition Notification – in AS2).
2.1.2. Business Level Responses
A message that has been received and assigned to processing may call for an action on the receiver’s behalf. That receiver’s action may need to be reported back up-line to a relevant party. An example is that a technically correct invoice may be received but the receiver decides to dispute the invoice for any business reason such as incorrect values, delivery issues etc. The key nature of these responses is that they report a business decision that is made on the message instance received by the Receiver. Business level responses may have a role in the processing of various document types other than invoices.
2.2. Scope of Invoice Response message
Invoice Response is an invoice and credit note specific response message that can be used to inform the Seller of the status of an invoice in the Buyer’s approval and payment processes, based on the Buyer’s business rules and/or a Seller/Buyer agreement.
Invoice Response helps the Seller to initiate an action early in the case when processing of an invoice is challenged on the Buyer side.
The response informs Seller whether his invoice is in due process or whether that process is disrupted and requires action from Seller.
Invoice Response informs the Seller when their invoice has been approved or payment has been initiated so that the Seller can manage their cash flows and monitor the reception of funds through the payment channels.
Invoice Response provides automated means to the Buyer to keep the Seller informed of the invoice status in his invoice verification process and thus reduces or eliminates the need for manual status queries.
Invoice Response is designed to support automatic processing on the Seller side although it still may require manual actions.
Invoice Response is an informative message from Buyer to Seller.
Invoice Response structures the feedback loop from Buyer to Seller regarding the invoice handling process on Buyer’s side.
Invoice Response is an option for the Buyer to inform Seller about Buyer’s decisions in invoice processing in a structured or unstructured form.
2.2.1. In scope
Buyer can inform Seller about Invoice and credit note processing steps and statuses on Buyer’s side.
Invoice Response is based on Buyer’s business rules.
Invoice Response is a one directional message only - from Buyer to Seller.
Several response messages can potentially be exchanged for one invoice or credit note.
Response content may require manual action on Seller’s side.
Invoice Response supports only push message of the invoice status.
Invoice Response can not be automatically requested by Seller.
Acknowledging that a transmitted invoice has been received and can be processed.
2.2.2. Out of scope
Invoice responses on a line level.
Several statuses in one response message.
Full automation on Seller side – not all the errors have to be encoded.
Bi-directional communication – discussion on response.
Enquiry of the Invoice response message.
Transmission level status.
Support for attachments.
2.3. Parties and roles
The table below gives the definitions of the parties and roles in the process of Invoice Response message. Parties are persons or entities who are responsible for roles. They may carry them out themselves or outsource them.
Party / Role | Type | Definition |
Supplier |
Party |
The supplier is the legal person or organization who provides a product and/or service. Examples of supplier roles: Seller, consignor, creditor, economic operator. |
Customer |
Party |
The customer is the legal person or organization who is in demand of a product, service or works. Examples of customer roles: buyer, consignee, debtor, contracting body. |
Seller |
Role |
One who issues an invoice for items or services sold to a Buyer and to whom a debt is owed. The Party that claims the payment and is responsible for resolving billing issues and arranging settlement. Also, known as Invoice Issuer, Accounts Receivable, Creditor, Economic operator. |
Buyer |
Role |
One who receives an invoice for items or services bought from a Seller and who owes debt. The Party responsible for making settlements relating to a purchase. Also, known as Invoicee, Accounts Payable, Debtor |
Service provider |
Party |
A party that is contracted by either or both Supplier and/or the Customer to send or receive an Invoice Response message. |

2.3.1. Parties responsibilities
Following paragraphs list the responsibilities and activities carried out by each party in the Invoice Response process from a technical, practical and informative perspective. Any legal implications of the measures discussed here are outside the scope of this document.
Not obliged to support the Invoice Response.
In case the Seller has registered support for the Invoice Response, then he is responsible for receiving an Invoice Response message and to take actions in accordance to this specification.
Not obliged to send an Invoice Response.
Responsible for creating the Invoice Response.
Responsible for complying with the business rules used in invoice validations.
Responsible for when and how to use the Invoice Response in the frame of the Invoice Response document.
Responsible for expressing what action is expected from the Seller.
It is recommended that the Buyer maintains visibility of all Invoice Response messages created by him or on his behalf in order to solve potential issues with the Seller.
May have a bilateral agreement with Seller for using Invoice Response.
3. Process and typical use cases
3.2. Process in general
The process starts when a Seller party is preparing an electronic invoice and then sends it to the Buyer. After the invoice has been validated and transported the Buyer party receives the invoice.
Once the Buyer has received the invoice in the form that it can be processed he may notify the Seller about this with an Invoice Response.
After reception, the Buyer will usually enter into the invoice reviewal and approval process. The approval process may result in the invoice being approved as is without any comments. In that case the Buyer sends an Invoice Response to the Seller to notify him that the invoice has been approved and will be paid on due date. Approval process might be a bit different for the credit note (especially as status “Paid” is not applicable, but the other statuses serve their purpose).
During the approval process, various issues may be identified. Issues such as quantities or amounts not being in line with Buyer’s data, missing information to correctly handle the invoice, invoice terms not in line with agreements or contracts and so forth. Depending on the nature of the issues the Buyer may do one of the following.
The Buyer may put the approval process on hold and notify the Seller by sending Invoice Response with status "under query" and add an explanation of what the issue is.
Once the Seller has responded to the issue the acceptance process may continue or the Buyer may raise further issues.
The Buyer may conditionally approve the invoice in which case they will send an Invoice Response to the Seller with the respective status and what the conditions are.
The Seller may respond externally, e.g. with an objection, or they may not respond in which case the Buyer will proceed and pay the invoice according to the conditions.
Most common example is when an invoice has payment terms like due date or payment account that are not in line with a contract.
Then the Buyer may notify that the invoice will be paid in accordance to the contract and then proceed to do so unless the Seller objects.
The Buyer may reject the invoice in which case it will notify the Seller and state the reason for the rejection and possibly request a credit note.
This is a final status for the invoice so if the Seller does not agree with the rejection they must follow that up externally.
If an invoice has been approved or conditionally approved the Buyer will in due time proceed to initiate payment. The Buyer may then notify the Seller that the payment has been initiated.

3.3. Invoice Response process rules
The Invoice Response process governs how and when the transactions are issued and how they are handled between the sender and the receiver.
RuleID | Rule | ||||||||||||||
OP-BR111-R001 |
The Invoice Response is one directional message only - from Buyer to Seller. Invoice Response is meant to be sent from Buyer to Seller informing about invoice status inside the Buyer’s business process. |
OP-BR111-R002 |
Each Invoice Response message is intended to carry one status code (top level status) at a time, for an individual invoice. To inform about several statuses of an Invoice then several messages shall be used in sequence. An invoice can only have one status at each time. |
OP-BR111-R003 |
Several Invoice Response’s can be sent for one invoice. |
OP-BR111-R004 |
If an invoice has been given the status Rejected or Paid, then no further Invoice Response may be sent regarding that invoice. I.e. Seller may ignore them.[1] |
OP-BR111-R005 |
If an invoice has been given status Approved, then that may only be followed with an Invoice Response giving status Paid. I.e. Seller may ignore them.[1] |
OP-BR111-R006 |
A Buyer shall provide first Invoice Response within 3 working days. |
OP-BR111-R007 |
An Invoice Response message doesn’t prescribe the invoice workflow process for the Buyer. Different Buyers may have different workflows processes for the invoices. |
OP-BR111-R008 |
An Invoice Response does not have any legal power. |
OP-BR111-R009 |
An Invoice Response does not change the invoice content. |
OP-BR111-R010 |
An Invoice Response does not change the commercial responsibilities between Buyer and Seller. |
OP-BR111-R011 |
An Invoice Response (even as rejection) does not free the Buyer from his payment obligations towards the Seller if such an obligation exists by agreement or real business transaction or the other way around in case of a credit note. |
OP-BR111-R012 |
The status of invoices shall advance in the following order.
The process may start at any status and not all statuses must be reported. |
OP-BR111-R013 |
Seller can dispute any status presented by Buyer in Invoice Response with an external process. |
OP-BR111-R014 |
Document type code must conform to the document type code of the original message the response is sent to (usually 380 for the commercial invoice and 381 for credit note). |
3.4. Code Policy
Key information in an Invoice Response is the reporting of the status of the invoice. The objective of the status code is to provide the Seller with a clear indication of the status of the referenced invoice inside the Buyers process in a way that allows the Seller to clearly identify if an action is required on his behalf. The status code can be supplemented with a clarification or an action code or textual note that explains the status and assists the Seller in deciding on correct reaction.
The codes in the Invoice Response are given in the following structure.
Invoice Status (1..1) 'cac:DocumentResponse/Response/cbc:ResponseCode'
Clarification (0..n)
Data (0..n)
Each Invoice Response must have one and only one status code.
For each Invoice Response (status) there is the option of providing one or more clarification.
For each clarification there is the option to provide data that the Buyer proposes as a correction.
An invoice may have been put under query (status UQ), as clarification the code XYZ is given to indicate that there is an issue with the references in the invoice. As data the Invoice Response may state that the expected value for the Purchase Order reference in the invoice was PO123.
3.4.1. Status codes
List of Status codes is fixed and can not be changed bilaterally.
There are seven pre-agreed status codes (main statuses).
Status code is sent from Buyer to Seller to inform the Seller about further processing of the invoice on Buyer side.
Status code does not inform the business reason for the Status to the Seller (there is a clarification code for that).
Every status can be the first status sent to the Seller but from there further statuses must follow a defined order (see Invoice Response process rules, rule OP-BR111-R012).
Maximum time for first response 3 days – The Seller should receive the first Invoice Response within 3 working days.
By receiving the first Response message the Seller will know that an Invoice has been received by the Buyer and what its status is.
However, if the Seller does not receive any response he should wait 3 working days before contacting the Buyer to query whether the Invoice was received.
A Buyer who has received an invoice should therefore provide a first Response before that time to notify the Seller that it has been received and what its status is.
The minimum set of Statuses that must be supported by a Buyer is “Message acknowledged”, “Rejected” and “Approved”.
Status code |
The code that defines the status of the reference document, e.g. AP. |
UNECE name |
The name of the code, based on UNECE code list 4343. |
UNECE definition |
The definition of the code, based on UNECE code list 4343. |
BIS usage |
An explanation of how the UNECE definition of the code shall be interpreted and applied in transactions that follow this BIS. |
Response expected |
Indicates that the Buyer expects a response from the Seller in accordance to the information given in the Invoice Response. If no response is expected, then the Buyer will proceed with the processing of the invoice without interruption. If a response is expected, then the Buyer will not proceed with the processing until the Seller has provided the response (externally). |
Clarification required |
Indicates that when Invoice Response message contains this code then a clarification must be provided by the Buyer in the form of a Status Reason code (See Code list section) or text or both. |
Mandatory |
Indicates that a Buyer who supports this BIS shall at minimum be able to report these statuses in the processing of the invoice. In other words, the Seller can at minimum expect to receive this status information. |
Final |
Indicates that this is a final status in the processing of the referenced invoice. The Seller will not receive any further Invoice Response messages referencing this invoice. |
Status Code | UNECE name | UNECE definition | BIS usage | Response expected | Clarification Required | Mandatory | Final |
AB |
Message acknowledgement |
Indicates that an acknowledgement relating to receipt of message or transaction is required. |
Status is used when Buyer has received a readable invoice message that can be understood and submitted for processing by the Buyer. |
NO |
NO |
NO |
IP |
In Process |
Indicates that the referenced message or transaction is being processed. |
Status is used when the processing of the Invoice has started in Buyers system. |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
UQ |
Under query |
Indicates that the processing of the referenced message has been halted pending response to a query. |
Status is used when Buyer will not proceed to accept the Invoice without receiving additional information from the Seller. |
NO |
NO |
CA |
Conditionally accepted |
Indication that the referenced offer or transaction (e.g., cargo booking or quotation request) has been accepted under conditions indicated in this message. |
Status is used when Buyer is accepting the Invoice under conditions stated in ‘Status Reason’ and proceed to pay accordingly unless disputed by Seller. |
NO[2] |
NO |
NO |
RE |
Rejected |
Indication that the referenced offer or transaction (e.g., cargo booking or quotation request) is not accepted. |
Status is used only when the Buyer will not process the referenced Invoice any further. |
AP |
Accepted |
Indication that the referenced offer or transaction (e.g., cargo booking or quotation request) has been accepted. |
Status is used only when the Buyer has given a final approval of the invoice and the next step is payment |
NO |
NO |
NO |
PD with PPD (1) |
Partially Paid |
Indicates that the referenced document or transaction has been partially paid. |
Status is used together with Clarification Reason code PPD, only when the Buyer has initiated the payment of the invoice without having paid the accepted amount in full. |
NO |
NO |
NO |
NO |
PD |
Fully Paid |
Indicates that the referenced document or transaction has been paid. |
Status is used only when the Buyer has initiated the payment of the invoice. |
NO |
NO |
NO |
(1) Status code PD (Paid) together with Clarification Reason code PPD (Partially Paid) is the case when an invoice is partially paid with the intention of later paying the full invoice amount as was accepted.
The sequence of the status codes is fixed to allow the Seller, as receiver of the Invoice Response message, to advance the status of the invoice in his systems in an orderly way. See Invoice Response process rules. This requires the Buyer to be conservative in reporting status and only advance an invoice when the status is reasonably certain.
The status of an invoice must advance in the following sequence, but any status may be the first one used or may be omitted.
AB – Message acknowledgement
IP – In process
UQ – Under query (may be repeated before moving forward)
CA – Conditionally accepted
RE – Rejected
AP – Accepted
PD – Paid, can be in steps, partially paid and then paid.
If an invoice is paid right after being received, the Buyer can report with a single Invoice Response using the code PD.
If an invoice has been put under query then following the response from the Seller, the Buyer may advance it to any of the following codes:
CA conditionally accepted
RE Rejected
AP Accepted
PD Paid
Deviations from this sequence must be handled manually between the trading parties. As example, if a Buyer has stated that an invoice has been accepted they can not later send an Invoice Response indicating that it is under query or rejected. This does however not prohibit the Buyer from changing his decision, but he must report that to the Seller by other means than by using an Invoice Response.
The fixed order simplifies the automation of the processing for the receiver of the Invoice Response.
3.4.2. Clarification
Depending on the status code, a clarification may be needed to state the Buyer’s reason for the status and/or any expected action from the Seller’s side. The clarification may be given either as text (in Status Reason) or as code (in StatusReasonCode). The purpose of the clarification is to provide the Seller with structured information which enables him to partially or fully automate his processing. The clarifications are of two types.
Reasons for the given status.
Actions that the Buyer requests from the Seller.
These two types of clarifications are contained in separate code lists that have different list identifiers. This allows the Seller to distinguish between the two types of clarifications. Clarification codes are defined in Code list section.
Similar business reason (for example missing order number) may trigger different statuses depending on the Buyer’s business process. (e.g. missing order number - some of the Buyers might ’Reject’ the invoice but some of the Buyers might put it ’Under query’).
Detail type codes and values
For each clarification code the Buyer can provide details to assist in the correction. For example, if an invoice contains the wrong Buyers TAX number then the Buyer can provide the correct number in the Invoice Response. When a textual clarification that includes information about the correct values is not sufficient, but the correct values need to be provided in a structured way that information can be given by providing a type code that identifies the information type and the correct value.
The detail type code for each data type shall be the business term identifier of the referenced document that shall be corrected, and the detail value shall be the value that the Buyer proposes as the correct one.
A Buyer receives a Peppol invoice where the following is true
The invoice complies to Peppol Billing specification
The Buyer‘s TAX number in the invoice is incorrect and should be EU12345
The Buyer requests the Seller to send a credit note to cancel the incorrect invoice and issue a new invoice with the correct TAX number.
In the Billing specification for an invoice (See Peppol BIS Billing 3.0) the business term identifier for the Buyers TAX number is BT-48.
To inform and assist in resolution of the issue the Buyer sends an Invoice Response to the Seller as follows:
Invoice status |
RE (Rejected) |
Clarification code |
LEG (Legal information missing) |
Detail type code |
BT-48 |
Detail value |
EU12345 |
3.5. Typical use cases
The following use cases demonstrate how the Invoice Response message can be used in the described situations. While the use cases are drawn up to illustrate the general functionality of this BIS 63A, implementers are cautioned that national accounting rules may pose additional requirements on the handling of invoices.
No | Use Case Name |
Invoice in process. |
Invoice is in process with additional reference data. |
Invoice is in process but postponed. |
Invoice is accepted. |
Invoice is rejected. |
Invoice is rejected requesting re-issue. |
Invoice is rejected requesting replacement. |
Invoice is conditionally accepted. |
Invoice is under query because of wrong or missing information. |
Invoice is under query because of missing PO reference. |
Invoice is in under query because of wrong details, partial credit note requested. |
Invoice payment has been initiated. |
Invoice is accepted by a third party acting on behalf of the Buyer. |
Example files are provided for all use cases, they are all available here: Use case example files |
Use Case number | 1 |
Use Case Name |
Invoice in process. |
Assumption and description |
Invoice has been received but a clear or final response is not possible within the Maximum response time |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'In Process' status prior to ‘Maximum Response time' |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified within the “Maximum Response Time” that the invoice is being processed. |
Use Case number | 2a |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is in process with additional reference data. |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer wants to inform the Seller of the date when the Buyer has received an invoice as well as his internal reference ID for that invoice. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'In Process' status, including information about formal reception date and the internal reference for the invoice. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
The Seller knows that invoice is in process and that the Buyer received it at a certain date. He knows the internal reference used by the Buyer for this invoice. |
Use Case number | 2b |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is in process but postponed |
Assumption and description |
Buyer informs Seller that a reference could not be validated but also indicates that a further attempt will be made to process the Invoice and so no further action is required at this time. Buyer validates the invoice, but a Reference Number could not be matched to those on their system. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'In Process' status and clarification text when invoice processing will continue, as no valid Reference Number was found. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller knows that the invoice is in the queue and the process is stopped until appointed date and then a further attempt will be made to match the Invoice. |
Use Case number | 3 |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is accepted |
Assumption and description |
Buyer has accepted the Invoice. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Accepted' status and mandatory Invoice Response data indicating that an invoice is accepted. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified that an invoice has been accepted and will be paid on due date. |
Use Case number | 4a |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is rejected |
Assumption and description |
Buyer has rejected the invoice. Buyer doesn’t provide any encoded reasoning but provides only textual reason. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Rejected' status and reasoning text why Invoice is rejected. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified that an invoice has been rejected. In case further clarifications are needed, Seller needs to contact the Buyer for further actions (externally). |
Use Case number | 4b |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is rejected requesting re-issue |
Assumption and description |
Invoice is rejected e.g. because of missing PO reference. The Buyer may not have booked the invoice into his accounts, so he considers that a Credit note is not needed but a correct Invoice is needed. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Rejected' status, explanatory clarification code e.g, for missing PO reference and instructive clarification code for issuing a correct Invoice. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified that an invoice has been rejected because of missing PO reference. |
Use Case number | 4c |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is rejected requesting replacement. |
Assumption and description |
The Invoice is rejected, Credit Note requested, and a new Invoice is requested. The Buyer doesn’t accept the invoice content and rejects it. Buyer needs a Credit Note to cancel the original invoice and a new correct Invoice to continue with processing. The Buyer provides contact data and textual reasoning. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Rejected' status with reasoning text why Invoice is rejected. Clarification codes for requesting a Credit Note and reissuing of a new Invoice. Buyer provides contact information to the Seller. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
The Seller has been informed that the Invoice has been rejected.
The Seller will proceed to issue a Credit Note for the referenced Invoice and a new Invoice to replace it. |
Use Case number | 5 |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is conditionally accepted |
Assumption and description |
The Invoice is conditionally accepted and will be paid on a date different from the Invoice due date. The Buyer has accepted the invoice and intends to pay it according to agreement which gives a due date different from what is stated in the invoice. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Conditionally accepted' status and explanatory clarification code for changed payment terms. The clarification includes information on what date the Invoice will be paid. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified that Invoice has been conditionally accepted but will be paid on a date that is different from what was stated in the invoice. If the Seller accepts the change, he doesn’t need to react, otherwise he must contact the Buyer (externally). |
Use Case number | 6a |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is under query because of wrong or missing information. |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer cannot process the invoice and needs additional data from the Seller in order to proceed. |
The flow |
An Invoice Response is sent with 'Under query' status and clarification text stating what information is missing from the Invoice.
Buyer informs of the reference date for the status. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller has been notified that data is missing from the Invoice. Seller has notified about the date when the Invoice was put under query. Seller needs to forward the correct data to the Buyer (externally) to enable the Buyer to process the Invoice further. |
Use Case number | 6b |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is under query because for example of missing PO reference. |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer cannot process the invoice because he requires a PO reference. |
The flow |
An Invoice Response is sent with 'Under query status, explanatory clarification code for missing PO reference and instructive clarification code for providing it. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
The Seller has been notified that a PO reference is missing from the Invoice and that he must provide it in order for Buyer to continue with processing |
Use Case number | 6c |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is in under query because of wrong details. A partial Credit Note is requested. |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer complains about a single line on the Invoice that doesn’t correspond to delivery and wants Seller to issue a Credit Note for that line. |
The flow |
An Invoice Response is sent with 'Under query’ status, clarification text for incorrect Invoice line and instructive clarification code for issuing a Credit Note. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller has been notified that the Invoice has an incorrect Invoice Line and that he needs to issue a partial Credit Note. |
Use Case number | 7 |
Use Case Name |
Invoice payment has been initiated |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer indicates to the Seller that an invoice payment has been initiated. |
The flow |
An Invoice Response is sent with 'Paid' status. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller knows that the payment will be received soon. |
Use Case number | 8 |
Use Case Name |
Invoice is accepted by third party who acts on behalf of Buyer. |
Assumption and description |
The Buyer has contracted a service provider to handle Invoice to Order matching on his behalf. |
The flow |
Invoice Response with 'Accepted' status and mandatory Invoice Response data indicating that an Invoice is accepted. Sending Party differs from Buyer party details. |
Parties involved |
Buyer |
Result |
Seller is notified that an Invoice has been accepted and will be paid on due date. |
4. Semantic datatypes
Semantic data types are used to bridge the gap between the semantic concepts expressed by the information elements and the technical implementation. The semantic data types define the allowed value domain for the content, and any additional information components (attributes) needed in order to ensure its precise interpretation.
4.1. Primitive types
Semantic data type content may be of the following primitive types. These primitive types were taken from ISO 15000-5:2014, Annex A.
Primitive type | Definition |
Binary |
A set of finite-length sequences of binary digits. |
Date |
Time point representing a calendar day on a time scale consisting of an origin and a succession of calendar ISO 8601:2004. |
Decimal |
A subset of the real numbers, which can be represented by decimal numerals. |
String |
A finite sequence of characters. |
4.2. Semantic data types
The different semantic data types are described in the tables below, where various features such as attributes, format, and decimals as well as the basic type are defined for each semantic data type. They are based on ISO 15000-5:2014.
When used in an instance document, each data element will contain data. In the below tables this is identified as the “content”. Whenever a business term is used this term shall always have content and therefore the content is always mandatory.
4.2.1. Amount
An amount states a numerical monetary value. The currency of the amount is defined as a separate business term.
Amount is floating up to two fraction digits. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Decimal |
10000.25 |
4.2.2. Price Amount
A price amount states a numerical monetary amount value for data elements that contain item prices that may be multiplied by item quantities. The currency of the amount is defined as a separate business term.
Unit price amount does not set restrictions on number of decimals, as contrast to the Amount type |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Decimal |
10000.1234 |
4.2.3. Percentage
Percentages are given as fractions of a hundred (per cent) e.g. the value 34,78 % in percentage terms is given as 34,78.
No restriction on number of decimals for percentages. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Decimal |
34.7812 |
4.2.4. Quantity
Quantities are used to state a number of units such as for items. The code for the Unit of Measure is defined as a separate business term.
No restriction on number of decimals for quantities. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Decimal |
10000.1234 |
4.2.5. Code
Codes are used to specify allowed values in elements as well as for lists of options. Code is different from Identifier in that allowed values have standardized meanings that can be known by the recipient.
Codes shall be entered exactly as shown in the selected code list |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
String |
Abc123 |
4.2.6. Identifier
Identifiers (IDs) are keys that are issued by the sender or recipient of a document or by a third party.
The use of the attributes is specified for each information element. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
String |
abc:123-DEF |
Scheme identifier |
Conditional |
String |
0088 |
Scheme version identifier |
Conditional |
String |
1.0 |
4.2.7. Date
Dates shall be in accordance to the “Calendar date complete representation” as specified by ISO 8601:2004, format YYYY-MM-DD.
Dates shall not include timezone information. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Date |
2017-12-01 |
4.2.8. Time
Time shall be in accordance to the “Extended time format” as specified by ISO 8601:2004,
- format without time zone [hh]:[mm]:[ss]
- format with UTC timezone [hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z
- format for other zones [hh]:[mm]:[ss]±[hh:mm] with zone is given as difference from UTC.
Time may include timezone information. Decimal fraction on seconds SHALL not be used. |
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Date |
09:30:12 |
4.2.9. Document Reference
Document Reference Types are identifiers that were assigned to a document or document line.
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
String |
abc:123-DEF |
4.2.10. Text
Text is the actual wording of anything written or printed. Line breaks in the text may be present, and any line breaks should be preserved and respected by the receiver’s system
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
String |
5% allowance when paid within 30 days |
4.2.11. Binary objects
Binary objects can be used to describe files which are transmitted together with the business document. Attachments shall be transmitted together with the business document. The binary object has two supplementary components: a Mime Code, which specifies the Mime type of the attachment and a Filename that is provided by (or on behalf of) the sender of the business document.
Component | Use | Primitive Type | Example |
Content |
Mandatory |
Binary |
QmFzZTY0IGNvbnRlbnQgZXhhbXBsZQ== |
Mime Code |
Mandatory |
String |
image/jpeg |
Filename |
Mandatory |
String |
drawing5.jpg |
5. Code lists
5.1. Code lists for coded elements
Any element with the semantic data type = code, can mandate the use of a specific code list (or a fixed value). The applicable code lists can be found in the Code list section. In this section, you can find the valid codes, their names and description, and also links to where the same code list is used elsewhere in the transaction, or in other Peppol BIS v3. documents.
5.2. Code list for identifiers
5.2.1. Party identifiers and party legal registration identifier scheme
All party identifiers (cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID
) and party legal registration identifier (cac:PartyLegalEntity/cbc:CompanyID
) has an optional scheme identifier attribute (@schemeID
If used, the value shall be chosen from the code list ICD codes
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">5790000435968</cbc:ID> (1)
1 | schemeID attribute is optional, but when used, the codes must be from ICD codes |
5.2.2. Electronic address identifier scheme identifier
All electronic address identifiers (cbc:EndpointID/@schemeID
) use the Electronic Address Scheme code list (EAS),
maintained by CEF (CEF Code lists).
Valid values are found here: EAS codes.
<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0184">DK87654321</cbc:EndpointID> (1)
1 | schemeID attribute is mandatory |
6. Description of selected parts of the invoice message response
6.1. Message identification
The first section of the message is concerned with identifying the message and declaring what specifications the message is based on.
<cbc:CustomizationID></cbc:CustomizationID> (1)
<cbc:ProfileID></cbc:ProfileID> (2)
<cbc:ID>imrid001</cbc:ID> (3)
<cbc:IssueDate>2016-10-26</cbc:IssueDate> (4)
<cbc:IssueTime>12:00:00</cbc:IssueTime> (4)
1 | The message is based on the Peppol transaction specification for transaction 111 and should therefore comply with the rules defined in that specification. |
2 | The profile ID states that the transaction is part of business process number 63 which is the Invoice Response process. |
3 | The identifier for this message, i.e. the identifier for this Invoice Response message, not the identifier of the invoice that is being responded to. |
4 | The date and the time when the response was issues is then provided |
6.2. Message note
The Invoice Response enables the sender to provide a textual note that may give comments or instructions that apply to the whole response.
<cbc:Note>Please refer to previous email exchange regarding this invoice. </cbc:Note>
6.3. Sending and receiving parties
The sending and receiving parties are those that exchange the Invoice Response. These may be the Buyer and the Seller or service providers acting on their behalf.
6.3.1. SenderParty
The party that sends the Invoice Response. This may be the Buyer who received the invoice, or it may be a service provider processing the invoice on behalf of the Buyer. If the Invoice Response is issued by a service provider the name of the actual Buyer may be given with the invoice reference.
The information given for the sender is his EndpointID which is his Peppol Participant Identifier (PPID). The party identifier may be given as well and the schema that the identifier is based on. The name of the sender is then provided.
Contact information for the sender (Buyer) is the person that the receiver (Seller) can contact when resolving an issue reported in the Invoice Response. This should not be general company email and phone unless the sender has in place a process that would direct the contact efficiently to a relevant person.
<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0196">6963495890</cbc:EndpointID>
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">senderif12345</cbc:ID>
<cbc:RegistrationName>Buyer organization</cbc:RegistrationName>
<cbc:Name>Invoice processing department</cbc:Name>
6.3.2. ReceiverParty
The party that sent the Invoice that the IMR is responding to. This is also the receiver of the Invoice Response. This may be the Seller who issued the invoice or a service provider who handles the invocing process on behalf of the Seller. If this is a service provider, then the actual Seller may be identified as part of the invoice reference information.
<cbc:EndpointID schemeID="0196">6841569459</cbc:EndpointID>
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">receiver12345</cbc:ID>
<cbc:RegistrationName>Seller company</cbc:RegistrationName>
6.3.3. Issuer and Recipient parties
In the case when the Invoice processing is handled by a service provider on behalf or the Buyer or the Seller then the sending/receiving party is not the Buyer/Seller stated in the Invoice document. In those cases, it is required to identify the Buyer and the Seller as declared in the referenced Invoice. This shall be done by giving an identifier and a name.
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">6543219876546</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Name>Seller A</cbc:Name>
<cbc:ID schemeID="0088">9876549873211</cbc:ID>
<cbc:Name>Buyer A</cbc:Name>
6.4. Response
Is used to indicate the status of the Invoice. The response also provides information about the reason for the status as well as instructions on how the receiver of the Invoice Response is expected to react to the Invoice Response message.
This information is given in the following hierarchy:
Invoice processing status (of the invoice receiver).
Status clarification (Status reason and/or Status action)
Clarification detail
Each Invoice Response may only reference one invoice and that invoice can only have one status at a time. If the status of that Invoice changes the respective change must be reported with another Invoice Response.
The status clarification for the given status can be of either or both of two types - reason of that status and/or action expected by Seller. The purpose of this is to help Seller to understand the status and to resolve it in the correct way.
As example if an invoice is rejected it will be represented as status code RE (Rejected) in the Invoice Response. For clarification, the Invoice Response would then state why it is rejected and there may be more than one reason. The clarification may further give the instructions regarding actions expected from the Seller, for example to cancel the Invoice with a Credit Note and issue a new corrective Invoice.
To assist with resolution the Buyer might want to provide instructions on what is the correct data.
<cbc:ResponseCode>RE</cbc:ResponseCode> (1)
<cbc:StatusReasonCode listID="OPStatusReason">LEG</cbc:StatusReasonCode> (2)
<cbc:StatusReason>VAT Reference not found</cbc:StatusReason> (3)
<cbc:AttributeID>BT-48</cbc:AttributeID> (4)
<cbc:Description>EU123456789</cbc:Description> (5)
<cbc:StatusReasonCode listID="OPStatusAction">CNF</cbc:StatusReasonCode> (6)
<cbc:StatusReason>Credit fully</cbc:StatusReason> (6)
<cbc:StatusReasonCode listID="OPStatusAction">NIN</cbc:StatusReasonCode> (7)
<cbc:StatusReason>Issue new invoice</cbc:StatusReason> (7)
1 | An invoice is rejected using the status code RE. |
2 | The reason code for this rejection is LEG indicating that the invoice does not fulfil legal requirements |
3 | In text it is stated that the TAX reference is not found |
4 | Further reference is given to the element BT-48 in the Invoice (Buyers TAX number) |
5 | Expected value in BT-48 is EU123456789 |
6 | The Buyer expects the Seller to issue a Credit Note that fully cancels the rejected Invoice |
7 | The Buyer also expects the Seller to issue a new Invoice with corrected information. |
6.5. Document reference
Used to provide a reference to the business document e.g. the invoice or credit note, to which the Invoice Response is is responding.
One Invoice Response may only reference one business document. |
The type of the business document must also be included in the document reference element. Document Type Code is coded according to code list 1001 issued by UN/CEFACT.
See chapter Code list section for a complete list of all the document types.
<cbc:ID>inv021</cbc:ID> (1)
<cbc:IssueDate>2017-11-30</cbc:IssueDate> (2)
<cbc:DocumentTypeCode>380</cbc:DocumentTypeCode> (3)
1 | Value from the ID element in the invoice for which this response is valid, found in element cbc:ID in the received invoice |
2 | The issue date of the invoice for which this response is valid, found in element cbc:IssueDate in the received invoice |
3 | The invoice type in the invoice for which this response is valid, found in element cbc:DocumentTypeCode in the received invoice |
7. Peppol Identifiers
Peppol has defined a Peppol Policy for identifiers, policy 8 that specifies how to use identifiers in both its transport infrastructure and within the documents exchanged across that infrastructure. It also introduces principles for any identifiers used in the Peppol environment. The policies that apply to this BIS are the following:
7.1. Profiles and messages
All messages contains ProfileID and CustomizationID. ProfileID identifies what business process a given message is part of, and CustomizationID identifies the kind of message and the rules applied.
Profiles are connected to one business process, and may contain multiple document types. Valid document instances shall contain corresponding ProfileID and CustomizationID.
CustomizationID is a string without spaces. The list below contains spaces in CustomizationID to make them easier to read. Make sure to remove any spaces before use. |
7.2. Customization and Profile identifiers
In the table below you will find the values to be used as the specification identifier and the business process type for this profile
Type | Element cbc:CustomizationID |
Element cbc:ProfileID |
Invoice message response (Trns111) | | |
7.3. Namespaces
The message level response data model is in this Peppol BIS bound to the UBL Application Response 2.1. The target namespace for the UBL-ApplicationResponse-2.1 is: