The class is used to attach the qualification documents or other references such as the Call for Tender reference.

cac urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Child elements
Card Name Description
1..1 cbc:ID

Qualification reference document identifier
The identifier of a qualification document provided by the economic operator. Is also used to provide a reference to the call for tender as issued by the contracting body to create links between the call for tender and the qualification documents. The value must be a UUID

1..1 cbc:DocumentTypeCode

Document type code
A code specifying the type of the document. The code 916 is used to reference to a qualification document. The code 311 is used to reference to the Call for Tender.

1..1 cbc:XPath

Party reference
XPath reference to the party to whom this qualification document belongs.

0..1 cbc:LocaleCode

The language used to write the qualification document.

0..1 cbc:VersionID

Call for tender version
Identifies the version of the call for tenders.

1..1 cbc:DocumentDescription

Document description
Textual description of the document. Might include information about the lots or type of qualification criteria to which the document replies.

0..1 cac:Attachment


Identifier/Error message Flag
Element 'cac:AdditionalDocumentReference' MUST be provided.